Friday, 18 December 2009


I wrote an e-mail to TomTom and the reply blow is the reply I got this morning.
My mother is going to write another e-mail to TomTom to say that we don't want any money, we just want to make sure people don't cross fords without planning to.

Dear Nidanu,

Thank you for your e-mail to TomTom bringing your innovative concept to our attention.

TomTom is a modern company founded by innovative people and moving forward on the power, intellect and creativity of a large staff of
innovative engineers and researchers. We are therefore always happy to be considered for externally created inventions, concepts and/or ideas, as this is a kind
positive recognition by external innovative companies or individuals.

A rather serious problem that may arise is what would happen if a friendly relationship would turn into a not so friendly one.
This may arise if we here in TomTom happen to come up with a similar invention to the one we are offered from an external inventor.
In this situation, there would be the natural tendency to suspect TomTom of foul play even though it would not have been the case.
As you can imagine, we wish to avoid such unpleasant situations.

In order to address the above problem, we have had to make the painful decision to say, as a general company policy, “thanks but no, thanks”
to any invention disclosures we receive. We find this decision necessary, though unfortunate, as it deprives us of the opportunity to consider some
interesting inventions and concepts such as, no doubt, yours.

We would be grateful for your understanding of the position we must take and offer you our sincerest good wishes in finding a suitable business partner
to bring your invention to market.

Kind regards,

Meike Mikesell

1 comment:

  1. sounds like the usual corporate BS, did the moron who sent the letter even read your proposal correctly? Usual idiotic replies from uneducated folk.
