Friday, 27 November 2009


I sent an e-mail to Stuart Clark and got this in reply:
"Hi Matilda,

I'm sorry you've been given the run around.

The Highways Agency are responsible for all motorways and truck roads; West Berkshire Council (the Highway Authority) is responsible for the local road network i.e. 'A' roads (principal roads), 'B' roads, 'C' roads and unclassified roads (minor roads). The Environment Agency is responsible for all 'Main Rivers' and British Waterways are responsible for canals.

The River Pang is classified as a main river and is therefore maintained by the EA. However, fords are part of the 'highway', as the public have the right to travel over them. Therefore, the fabric of the ford itself is maintained by the highway authority i.e. WBC - and in theory, the EA is responsible for the water that flows over it!

Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need any further info.

Best wishes

We have also received £50 from my grandparents


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